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Write and Get Paid $75+: The 9 Best Sites for Paid Articles

Ever wondered how to turn your jotting passion into a economic side  rush? You are in luck. There are dozens of websites that will  really pay you for your  papers and blog posts. No  want to start your own blog or  make up your own  followership. You can get paid to write for other established  spots. The  pay envelope is not  invariably huge, but  numerous pay$ 75 or  further per composition for high- quality  cessions from freelance  pens.

Some pay on a per- word base, others per composition.  numerous cover a wide range of  motifs. The key is chancing  the right  spots that match your interests and  moxie. Do a  fleck of digging and you will  discover  openings to write about everything from  trip tips to software reviews to parenthood  guidance. The demand for freelance  pens is real,  consequently there is  noway  better time to start pitching your stylish ideas.

In  precisely a many hundred words, you can make$ 50-$ 500 or  further. Not too  seedy. The key is knowing where to look. Then are 9 of the stylish websites that will pay you to write engaging  papers and blog posts. Time to  unlock your inner wordsmith!

Introduction: Earn Good Money as a Freelance Writer

As a freelance  pen, you can  realize good  plutocrat authoring for websites and blogs. Then are some of the top  spots that pay$ 75 or  further per composition.

Constant Content is a business for  pens. They charge  guests a  decoration for high- quality content,  consequently they pay  pens well. You can  realize$ 75 to$ 500 per composition. They cover  colorful  motifs and styles. 

Skyword pays$ 75 to$ 500 for blog posts,  papers, and other content. They work with major brands and publishers, so it’s a great  expressway to  make your portfolio. They accept pitches and composition ideas from  pens.   

They pay$ 75 to$ 200 per post. You ’ll need to blink a  capsule and jotting  slices to be considered as a contributor. They  concentrate on  practicable  plutocrat- saving tips and life hacks.   

Upwork is a  voluminous freelance business with jobs in  numerous  orders. Some  guests hire  pens for blog posts,  papers, and other content.  classes start around$ 75 to$ 150 per  number. You ’ll need to  produce a profile, blink  proffers, and go through an interview process before being hired.   

With  consequently  numerous  openings, you can  detect paid authoring gigs that match your interests and experience  position. The key is  erecting your portfolio, pitching  guests, and networking. In no time, you ’ll be earning good  plutocrat as a freelance  pen.   

Write for Medium's Partner Program

Medium’s Partner Program lets you get paid for your jotting. Once you ’re accepted, you can  realize  plutocrat from subscriptions and one- time  disbursements from  compendiums .   

To join, you need to apply on Medium and meet a many conditions. You ’ll need a Medium profile and at least two published stories. Your jotting should be high quality, well-  penned, and on  motifs Medium  compendiums   watch about like technology, business, health, or  particular  excrescency.    

Still, you get access to the Partner Program dashboard, If accepted. There, you can  know how  important  plutocrat your stories  induce each month. You ’ll get paid when  compendiums  subscribe to your content or  shoot you one- time  disbursements  utilizing Medium’s clapping  point.   

The  further people read, subscribe, and pay for your content, the  further  plutocrat you can make. Some top  generators  realize$ 1,000 a month or  further. While  pay envelope can vary,  cast for$ 75 to$ 500 per post.  seat on useful,  practicable  guidance,  make your  followership,  exercise eye- catching captions and images.   

The key is  constantly publishing high- quality content on  motifs Medium  compendiums  are passionate around. But with time and  trouble, the Partner Program can come a great source of side  profit for anyone who loves to write. Why not give it a shot?   

Contently is a platform that connects freelance  pens with major media companies and brands. They work with  pens at all  situations, so you have a  luck to contribute to well- known publications.###   

Once you  subscribe up for an account, Contently allows you to  make a portfolio of your jotting  slices. You can  also browse open assignments from  spots like The Atlantic, Vice, CNBC and  further. Pitch your ideas to the editors and if they accept, you get paid(  generally$ 200-$ 500 per composition) when it’s published. Not all publications pay the same, but Contently aims for fair  indemnification for  pens.   

Contently basically acts as your agent, handling the business side of  effects so you can  concentrate on jotting. They've a simple online dashboard where you  give with editors, blink drafts, and get paid. You ’ll have the  occasion to  make your experience,  append  emotional bylines to your portfolio, and make decent  plutocrat as a freelance  pen, all in one  position.

Still, Contently is a great resource, If you ’re an  pushing  intelligencer or  pen  appearing to break up into well- known publications. With time and  constantly good work, you can develop ongoing  connections with editors and come a regular contributor. While the competition is stiff, Contently at least gives you a shot at getting your  bottom in the door at places that would  else be  delicate to pitch directly. For those  precisely starting out, Contently provides a  probative community and  coffers to  support ameliorate your jotting.   

Whether jotting is your full- time career or a side gig, Contently opens up possibilities to boost your experience, exposure and earnings as a  pen.  erecting a portfolio of published work is inestimable, so the  occasion to contribute to major media companies is one that could  commence your jotting career to the coming  position.   

Submit Articles to Constant Content Marketplace

Constant Content is a content business where freelance  pens can blink  papers and get paid when someone purchases the  birthrights to publish them. Over 75,000  pens contribute to Constant Content,  consequently you will be in good company.   

To get started,  produce a free account and profile to  support you  make your  pen credibility.  also blink well-  penned  papers in popular niches like freelancing, business, health,  trip, etc.  seat on evergreen  motifs that people will be searching for long after you've  penned the content.  

Once your composition is live on the  point,  guests like bloggers, companies, and publications can buy the  birthrights to copublish it. When that happens, Constant Content pays you 50- 75 of the selling  freight. Rates  generally  categorize from$ 50 to$ 500 per composition depending on the  extent, quality, and content.   

The key to success on Constant Content is  succumbing high-  measure and optimizing your  papers for hunt to  boost visibility. Promote your  papers on  gregarious media to  punch  further business. The  further people who  detect and buy your content, the more you will  realize. With time and  thickness, you can make$ 500-$ 2,000 per month or  further.    

still, Constant Content is a great  position to start, If jotting and getting paid for it sounds  charming.  make up your portfolio, establish yourself as an expert in your niche, and  realize  plutocrat through the content you produce. For freelance  pens, it's an  ready  expressway to  induce ongoing  unresistant  profit.    

5 Vend Your  papers on Writer Access   

WriterAccess is a content business where you can  vend the  papers you've  formerly  penned. They connect business  guests with professional  pens like yourself. To get started,  produce a free WriterAccess account and  make your profile to  support  guests  detect you.   

Upload  slices of your work or links to published pieces  consequently  guests can  know your jotting  phraseology. Set your  classes,  generally between$ 75 to$ 500 per composition, depending on the  complication and  extent.  numerous  pens charge$ 200 to$ 350 for a 500 to 1,000 word blog post.   

Once your profile is set up, you can browse open orders from  guests and pitch your services. Explain why you are a great  bout for the job grounded on your experience and  moxie in thetopic.However, they'll  entrust  you the order, If the  customer likes your pitch.   

After you blink the  ended composition, the  customer will  reconsider and  authorize it. WriterAccess handles all  disbursements, releasing your earnings within 7 days of  blessing. They abate a fragile chance as their  figure for connecting you with the work.   

Writer Access is a straightforward  expressway to  induce  profit from  papers you've  formerly  penned or want to  produce on spec. As long as you have  logical jotting and  exploration chops, you can  detect ongoing work through their platform. And the more 5- star conditions and reviews you get, the  further orders you will admit.   

List Your Services on Fiverr   

Fiverr is a popular freelance services business where people can extend quick “ gigs ” for$ 5. As a  pen, you can list  colorful jotting services at  nonidentical  freight points. Extend  effects like:

  • Basic proofreading or editing for$ 5- 10 per 500 words.   
  • Blog post jotting for$ 15- 25 each.    
  • wharf  runner copywriting for$ 20- 40 per  runner.   
  • Dispatch newsletter  coinage for$ 25- 50 per dispatch.   
The key is to start low and  make up credibility and reviews. Once you have a many five- star conditions, you can  boost your prices. Fiverr takes a 20 commission on all deals, so  freight your gigs consequently.   

To get started:    

  1. Subscribe up for a free Fiverr account.    
  2. Make an  seductive profile  pressing your experience, chops, and instruction. Carry jotting  slices or a portfolio if  practicable.    
  3. Produce some  introductory$ 5 gigs to get reviews and  make your credibility.  effects like 500- word blog posts, simple editing services,etc.   
  4. Offer  append- on services to  boost the value. For  illustration, extend a  introductory 500- word blog post for$ 5 but charge$ 2  redundant for SEO optimization,$ 3 for an image,$ 5 for two  redundant links,etc.    
  5. Fascinate with the Fiverr community by liking and  opining on other gigs.   
  6. Once you have 10- 20 reviews with a standing of4.5 or advanced, you can start  adding  your base prices. But  invariably keep some$ 5 gigs accessible to give new  guests an accessible  expressway to try out your services.   
With time and  harmonious high quality work, you can make$ 75 or  further per hour on Fiverr. The key is  erecting a character for  furnishing great value and overdelivering onexpectations.However, the  eventuality to  realize is huge, If you do that. Give it a shot!  

Come an Expert Author on Quora Partner Program  

The Quora Partner Program allows subject matter experts to  realize  plutocrat by contributing high- quality content that provides value to Quora  compendiums . As an expert in your field, you can  subscribe up to come a Quora  mate and get paid for contributing content on  motifs you  see well.   

To come an expert author in the Quora Partner Program:

- Apply and be accepted into the program. Quora evaluates  operations to  insure authors meet their quality  norms.  

-  figure your  moxie by posting great content. Share  guidance,  perceptivity, how- to's, and in- depth knowledge about your area of  moxie. The  further useful content you contribute, the  further Quora  compendiums  will follow you.  

-  realize  plutocrat grounded on the fashionability and quality of your content. Quora pays per thousand views( CPM) as well as  interpretation  lagniappes. Top authors can make$ 200-$ 500 per month.  

-  fascinate with your  compendiums . Respond to  commentary and  dispatches,  interrogate follow up questions, and start  intriguing  conversations around your content. Active engagement will conduct to a  pious following.  

- Keep  perfecting and optimizing your content. Study your analytics to  know which posts  reverberate most with  compendiums .  upgrade, ameliorate, and  make on your most popular content.  

- Call authoring long-  shape, in- depth content. Quora valuations posts that are at least 400 words,  consequently  cast for  complete,  precious content on your  motifs. Longer, high- quality posts tend to  induce  further business and earnings.    

- Getting an expert author on Quora is a great  expressway to partake your knowledge,  make your administration, and  realize  plutocrat from authoring about  motifs you  watch about. By contributing high- quality content and engaging with your  compendiums , you can establish yourself as a go- to expert in your field.     

Publish on Popular  spots Like HuffPost   

Have you ever  pictured of being  punctuated on a major media website? HuffPost is  invariably  appearing for fresh  votes and  initial perspectives to  point on their platform. As an contributor, you can get paid up to$ 200 per composition. 

To become a HuffPost contributor:

  • Build your portfolio by publishing on your own blog or Medium. Create a collection of 3-5 high-quality pieces that show your unique voice and writing abilities. These pieces should be timely, well-researched, and around 500-700 words.

  • Pitch your pieces to the appropriate HuffPost editor. Explain why your perspective would resonate with their readers and how your work aligns with their editorial mission. Provide links to your published pieces as examples.

  • Go through their onboarding process. If accepted, you’ll set up your profile, choose categories you want to write for, and work with an editor on your first couple of pieces.

  • Write and submit regularly. Aim for 2-3 pieces per week, following their writer guidelines. The more you contribute, the more opportunities for higher pay and becoming a featured writer.

  • Promote your work. Share your byline and published pieces on social media to increase traffic and build your readership. Engage with commenters to foster an ongoing discussion around your work.

With time and practice, you can establish yourself as an expert in your niche and open up more chances for higher-profile assignments, interviews, and appearances. While the pay may start small, the exposure and experience you’ll gain from writing for such a well-known site is invaluable. The key is consistency, quality, and bringing a unique perspective that will resonate with their audiences.


So there you have it. Nine sites where you can get paid to write and earn a decent income from the comfort of your home. All you need is an internet connection, some spare time, and a passion for writing on topics that interest you. Sign up with a few of these sites, build up your profile, start pitching articles or apply to open assignments, and before you know it, the money will start rolling in. Who knows, if you work hard at it you could turn your paid writing gig into a full-time career. What are you waiting for? Start writing and get paid today!        

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